After raising 8 crores for Tata Memorial Hospital, Maheka Mirpuri is back with the 10th Edition of MCan

MCan is about focusing on the fight and not the fright – Maheka Mirpuri ...
“Alone, we can do too little. Together, we can do so much more” – Helen Keller She has always been known for her different thinking. She is the icon of fashion with compassion, manifested in the form of cancer awareness and aid. Her collections showcase strength, resilience, optimism and the ability to sail through turbulent times. Post pandemic, acclaimed fashion guru and designer extraordinaire Maheka Mirpuri, with newfound strength, innovates the 10th edition of Move for Cancer Awareness (MCan), that strives to provide financial support to the underprivileged, towards a cure for cancer as a whole, and head and neck cancer in particular as it constitutes one third of all cancers with the highest incidence in the low socioeconomic strata.
Maheka realized the pain and the huge financial strain while holding the hand of both her father and brother-in-law who lost their battle to cancer in just a span of one year. This set her thinking and the seeds of MCan were sown. Maheka has earlier taken talented artists from across the nation on MCan’s stage, from Rachel Varghese and Talat Aziz to Boman Irani. This year, to mark the tremendous ten-year journey of giving back, Maheka and Tata Memorial hospital once again unite to offer the most effective support possible to cancer patients through the MCan initiative. “We strive for a bond that strengthens the morale of the struggling families of the cancer patients, and to aid them in whatever way we can. This year’s MCan auction will see brands jostling with art and passion. You have to switch on the support mode and ensure that you give without remembering. For not only does giving liberate the soul of the giver, but the fact is that you actually become richer by giving.”
Maheka has raised over 8 crore for the hospital so far, and hopes to raise more with the 10th edition of MCan. “It is time to usher in a new era of compassion in our current turbulent times. “The idea is to help the underprivileged at Tata Memorial Hospital as well as raise awareness about the disease that can surface anytime. Besides raising funds, we strive to create a meaningful impact and create awareness. It was very touching to see committed contributors who provided a support system even during pandemic for those living with the disease. With MCan, we strive to increase the survival rate of people affected by cancer to a true cure.” The Tata Memorial Hospital, one of the biggest cancer centers in the world, registers more than 43,000 new cancer patients every year, with 63% being given highly subsidized treatment.
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